White Mountain National Forest

"White Mountain National Forest: Land of Many Uses" reads the signs which greet you as you enter the various areas within the 800,000-acre National Forest. Adjacent to or part of every village and town, the White Mountain National Forest ensures that this region will remain largely undeveloped. It is a managed and multiple-use forest, providing areas for non-motorized recreation and visitor enjoyment, as well as wildlife habitat and harvesting of the forest, a renewable resource. The National Forest system was created in 1911 under the Weeks Act, which permitted the federal government to purchase private land to protect it.  The White Mountain National Forest fell under that protection in 1918 and continues to thrive and be a place of recreation for many year-round visitors. While visiting the White Mountain National Forest, visitors will find historical evidence of past generations as well as the rich cultural history of the Native Americans who lived here hundreds of years ago.  

There is an abundance of outdoor recreation that visitors to the area can take part in including hiking, cross-country skiing, swimming, boating, and fishing. There are also 22 campgrounds as well as camping cabins that are managed by the White Mountain National Forest and backcountry camping is allowed when following the rules of the National Forest.  We encourage you to come play, explore, and enjoy the many recreation uses of the White Mountain National Forest. 

White Mountain National Forest PassesFor more information, visit www.fs.usda.gov/whitemountain/ or call/stop by one of these WMNF Information Centers:
The White Mountain National Forest Headquarters
71 White Mountain Drive, Campton New Hampshire 03223
(603) 536-6100, TTY (603) 528-8722

Androscoggin Ranger Station
300 Glen Road, Gorham, NH 03581
Phone: (603) 466-2713  TTY: (603) 466-2856

Saco Ranger Station
33 Kancamagus Hwy, Conway, NH 03818
Phone: (603) 447-5448  TTY: (603) 447-3121

White Mountains Gateway Center
Exit 32 off I-93 in North Woodstock.
Phone: (603) 745-3816






